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Home & Hospital Instruction (HHI)

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What is the purpose of Home & Hosptial Instruction (HHI)?

HHI is an academic program through which students who have a temporary disability, and are unable to attend school for medical or mental health reasons, receive instruction in their home, hospital or other residential health facility (excluding state hospitals).  The HHI program is designed to minimize the loss of instruction while a student is too ill to attend classes daily.  The severity of illness is determined through a diagnosis by a physician or licensed clinician, and all educational alternatives must first be considered before HHI is authorized.  

What does Home & Hospital Instruction entail?

Students on HHI are assigned an instructor. Students receive an hour of instruction for each day school is in session in a given week. The schedule of instruction is arranged between the teacher and the parent or guardian; each hour of instruction does not have to occur in a single day if it is easier for all parties to meet only  2 or 3 days for a longer amount of time instead, i.e. twice a week for 2.5 hours each session. The instructor collaborates with the student’s school site teachers in each subject area to provide lessons and assignments as close as possible to those taught in class.  The student must return to their regular academic program as soon as they are healthy enough to do so.

Who is eligible for placement on HHI?

Students who are actively enrolled in any school within the District who have a verifiable medical or mental health diagnosis/prognosis which makes them unable to attend school for more than 15 consecutive days.  Before HHI can be approved or denied, consultation by a district psychologist or nurse, with the referring physician, or licensed clinician may occur.  HHI is authorized by the District and not the referring physician or licensed clinician.  If a student is in a residential program within the district boundaries, they may also be eligible.

What is the application process for HHI?

Applications are available online (see link below), through the Registrar’s office at the school site, and in the Student Services Department at the District office located at 830 N. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95133.

How long does it take to process an application?

It can take up to 10 school days to process an HHI application.  

Can HHI be extended?

If an extension is required, a renewal form must be received by Student Services at least 10 school days in advance of the program end date to avoid any interruption in service.

If approved, what are the next steps in the process?

The District assigns an instructor to the student and then the instructor contacts the parent or guardian directly to develop the instruction schedule. 

How many hours of instruction are provided for a student on HHI?

The student is provided with one hour of instruction for each day school is in session in a schedule agreed upon by the instructor and the parent or guardian. The number of instructional hours in a given week cannot exceed five (5) hours.  The number of instructional hours in a given month cannot exceed the total number of instructional days in the month.  In Instructional hours may be completed on Saturdays, but not Sundays or holidays.

What else should I know about HHI?

An adult must be present during the instruction and must sign the parent or guardian sign in sheet, for each visit the HH Instructor conducts.  Grades are assigned by the instructor, while on HHI.  Students are inactivated at their home school during the time they are receiving HHI.  A Student Support Team, IEP or 504 meeting may be scheduled prior to the student returning to school to provide for a smooth transition back to their regular academic program.  Students are expected to return to their home school, and enrollment is reactivated, on the first school day following the HHI program end date.  

What are other considerations regarding HHI?

HHI provides limited instruction and should be used prudently.  Teacher-student contact is less than 20% of the contact time a student regularly receives when attending school daily.  The instructor’s subject matter expertise may be limited, depending upon their credential.  Isolation from peers and other adults available to support a student on campus can have a mal effect on a student both academically and socially.  Courses offered through HHI may be limited or not be available (ie. physical education, work experience, laboratory science, foreign language, advanced placement and some elective courses). It is the responsibility of the student’s home school to coordinate District-wide testing (ie. CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) while the student is receiving HHI. 

Are there other alternatives?

A student with a disabling health situation may still be able to attend school with accommodations or modifications as identified by a Student Support Team meeting, IEP, or 504 plan.  Students may also be able to participate in a hybrid Home & Hospital Instruction model, where they attend one or more classes in person and then receive the rest of their instruction through the HH instructor.

What does California Education Code (EC) say about Home & Hospital Instruction?

Here is all the EdCode regarding HHI:
(a) Except for those pupils receiving individual instruction provided pursuant to Section 48206.5, a pupil with a temporary disability which makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which the pupil is enrolled impossible or inadvisable shall receive individual instruction provided by the district in which the pupil is deemed to reside.
(1) “Individual instruction” means instruction provided to an individual pupil in the pupil’s home, in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals, or under other circumstances prescribed by regulations adopted for that purpose by the State Board of Education.
(2) “Temporary disability” means a physical, mental, or emotional disability incurred while a pupil is enrolled in regular day classes or an alternative education program, and after which the pupil can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or the alternative education program without special intervention. A temporary disability shall not include a disability for which a pupil is identified as an individual with exceptional needs pursuant to Section 56026.
Notwithstanding Section 48200, a pupil with a temporary disability who is in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding a state hospital, which is located outside of the school district in which the pupil’s parent or guardian resides shall be deemed to have complied with the residency requirements for school attendance in the school district in which the hospital is located.
(a) It shall be the primary responsibility of the parent or guardian of a pupil with a temporary disability to notify the school district in which the pupil is deemed to reside pursuant to Section 48207 of the pupil’s presence in a qualifying hospital.
(b) Upon receipt of notification pursuant to subdivision (a), a school district shall do all of the following:
(1) Within five working days of receipt of the notification, determine whether the pupil will be able to receive individualized instruction, and, if the determination is positive, when the individualized instruction may commence. Individualized instruction shall commence no later than five working days after the positive determination has been rendered.
(2) Provide the pupil with individualized instruction pursuant to Section 48206.3. The school district may enter into an agreement with the school district in which the pupil previously attended regular day classes or an alternative education program, to have the school district the pupil previously attended provide the pupil with individualized instruction pursuant to Section 48206.3.
(3) Within five working days of the commencement of individualized instruction, provide the school district in which the pupil previously attended regular day classes or an alternative education program with written notice that the pupil shall not be counted by that district for purposes of computing average daily attendance pursuant to Section 42238.5, effective the date on which individualized instruction commenced.