
Pegasus High School
A continuation high school, Pegasus High School serves students ages 16-18 who are at risk of not graduating on time because of missing credits. Starting in 1991 as a separate ‘alternative’ school in the East Side Union High School District, Pegasus is located on the Independence High School campus. Pegasus has 120 students, six teachers, one registrar/secretary and one coordinator/principal. Its self-contained high school houses three classrooms.
Pegasus students SOAR
Students know they are in charge of their own learning. Each student knows and acts on his/her own learning plan.
Being at Pegasus is an opportunity to make up credits and to turn your lives around. Students know to take advantage of this chance by showing up on time, in dress code, and ready to learn every day.
Students recognize achievement is personal. Students know academic achievement is an important piece of a successful life. Students work hard to achieve their personal goals.
Respect & Responsibility
Students respect themselves. Students respect each other. Students respect their teachers, their school, and their community. Students take responsibility for demonstrating this respect in everything they do.