Local Control & Accountability Plan
LCAP Community GuideTop of Page
Throughout a series of meetings, we asked our community a question:
- What are the system responses needed to ensure ALL students achieve at high levels and how do we ensure those system responses are prioritized with funding and resources including the LCAP funding ($20M) allocated for our target populations (Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, ELL, Low-Income)?
From the feedback collected, ESUHSD developed strategic actionable goals to support our students through our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Here's some of what you need to know about the LCAP:
- LCAP stands for Local Control and Accountability Plan - for more information please visit CDE LCAP webpage
- The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities
- The 2024-25 LCAP will be year one of the 3-year cycle.
- The LCAP funding allocated to our district is approximately $20 million
- Goals and action items are aligned to the following areas:
- College and Career Readiness
- Graduation Rate
- Increased Achievement for English Language Learners, Foster, and Homeless Youth
- Decrease Student Absences
- Decrease Suspensions
Please review ESUHSD's LCAP Community Guide for more information.
If you would like assistance accessing or reading the ESUHSD LCAP Community Guide please contact our district office at 408-347-5000.
2023-2024 Proposition 28:Arts and Music in Schools Funding Annual ReportTop of Page
2021-2022 Local Control Accountability PlanTop of Page
2021-2022 Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant PlanTop of Page
2020–21 Every Student Succeeds Act
Comprehensive Support and Improvement Prompts FormTop of Page
Comprehensive Support and Improvement Prompts Form
For more information, click here to read and/or download form.
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)Top of Page
What are LCFF and LCAP?
When Governor Brown signed the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) into law on July 1, it changed the rules on how state money is allocated to school districts and how districts can spend those funds. The State Board of Education is now working to create templates that will guide districts in using state resources. In addition, each school district must now prepare a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to describe how they will meet state goals for all students.
The State requires that all California school districts engage parents, educators, employees, and the community to establish these plans. In these plans, districts will describe their overall vision for students, outline their annual goals and enumerate the specific actions they will take to achieve their goals. Part of this includes a financial accounting for the use of the budget as well annual assessments that measure how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve student outcomes.
How will State funds be allocated to districts?
Funding will go to districts rather than individual schools. Most of the funds will consist of a base grant that districts will receive for every student in attendance. The base grants are higher for younger elementary school students and highest for high school students. The base grants will be adjusted upward each year to reflect cost-of-living increases. Districts will also receive a supplemental grant based on the number of high-needs students enrolled in the district with more than 55% high-needs students will get even more funds through what are called concentration grants.
The new law effectively eliminates over 40 “categorical” programs—dedicated funding for everything from summer school and school counselors to building maintenance and principal training—that for decades were intended to serve specific needs. Instead, the categorical funds will be folded into the grant districts will get. Districts will have the option to provide the services funded by categorical funds, but they won’t be required to do so.
What does the State require to be included in these plans?
School districts and schools are responsible for developing goals and actions in eight priority areas defined by the state, these are:
A district may also identify goals related to its own local priorities, and incorporate them into the LCAP.
- Williams Act – Providing credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities for all students
- Academic Content and Performance Standards – Implementing California’s Common Core State Standards
- Parental Involvement – Involving parents in their student’s educational programs and in the decision-making process of the district
- Pupil Achievement — Improving student outcomes and increasing college and career readiness
- Pupil Engagement — Supporting students in consistent school attendance
- School Climate – Nurturing students in a healthy school environment where they feel safe
- Access and enrollment — Ensuring access for all students to classes that prepare them for the future
- Pupil Outcomes – Measuring student progress and outcomes to guide the teaching process
A district may also identify goals related to its own local priorities, and incorporate them into the LCAP.
Community Engagement
Community engagement includes community conversations and focus group discussions, soliciting feedback from parents, students, teachers, administrators and community members to develop goals and outcomes regarding the District’s Strategic Plan.
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